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Electric Scooter VS Petrol Scooter Cost of Ownership – 2023

After seeing the ever-rising petrol price, electric scooters have become the apple of the eye of Indians. In recent years, we’ve seen an enormous uptrend in EV sales in India; along with being easy-to-use and environment-friendly, the low running cost of electric vehicles has dramatically impacted its sales in India.

With the rising trend of e-scooters, many potential buyers are attracted to them and curious about the cost of owning an electric scooter compared to a traditional petrol scooter.

This article will provide a detailed cost analysis of electric and petrol scooters, considering purchase, running, and maintenance expenses.

Upfront cost Comparison:

Electric scooters generally have higher upfront costs when compared to their petrol equivalent. Still, looking beyond that, petrol scooters start getting heavy on your pocket after some time due to running costs that are 20X higher than electric scooters.

Electric scooter vs petrol scooter price comparison

Let’s compare the prices of popular electric scooters like the Ather 450X with petrol scooters such as the Honda Activa 6G and TVS Jupiter 125 in different states of India.


Ather 450X

Honda Activa 6G

TVS Jupiter 125


₹ 1.43 lakh

₹ 92,000

₹ 87,000


₹ 1.71 lakh

₹ 1 lakh

₹ 94,000


₹ 1.46 lakh



New Delhi

₹ 1.34 lakh



Tamil Nadu

₹ 1.44 lakh




₹ 1.43 lakh



West Bengal

₹ 1.44 lakh



It is evident from the table that the initial purchase cost of electric scooters like the Ather 450X is higher compared to petrol scooters like the Honda Activa 6G and TVS Jupiter 125. However, it is essential to consider the long-term cost benefits of electric scooters, which we will explore in the following sections.

E-scooter vs petrol Running Cost Comparison:

Let’s do simple math and find out how many kilometres you can go by spending ₹100 on an electric scooter vs on a petrol scooter –

On average, the milage of Actvia 6G is 20km and considering the fuel cost ₹100/litre, you can go only up to 20km by spending ₹100 on petrol. Whereas in an electric scooter, after fully charging, you can cover up to 120 km efficiently, so doing simple math, you can find out that by spending the same ₹100 on an electric scooter, you get 375km of riding experience.

So, here’s the cost breakup:

Petrol scooter

₹100 -> 20km (₹5 rupee/km)

Electric scooter

₹100 -> 375km (₹0.24 rupee/km)

Charging and Range Anxiety

Let’s address the elephant in the room: charging time. Yes, electric scooters can’t give a continuous riding experience of 375km in one go; one has to wait several hours to charge a scooter, but think logically.

You don’t go for such enormously long rides every day; one hardly rides more than 100 km daily. For some emergency or occasional long rides, Indian companies like 1C Charging are working towards building a robust fast charging network.

On the other hand, petrol scooters are not limited as they can be refuelled at petrol stations conveniently located throughout the country. However, it is worth noting that the cost of petrol has been steadily increasing, making it a significant expense for scooter owners.

Maintenance Costs

Maintenance costs are another important consideration when comparing electric scooters to petrol scooters. Petrol scooters require regular servicing, oil changes, and potential repairs to the engine, transmission, and other complex parts. These maintenance expenses can increase, especially as the scooter ages and requires frequent repairs. In contrast, electric scooters have fewer moving parts, lowering maintenance costs.

Cost per Kilometer Analysis

It is essential to analyse the cost per kilometre to understand the actual cost of owning and operating a scooter. The price per kilometre considers factors such as fuel or electricity consumption, maintenance expenses, and the overall lifespan of the scooter.

Let’s compare the cost per kilometre for the Ather 450X, Honda Activa 6G, and TVS Jupiter 125 based on different usage scenarios:


Ather 450X

Honda Activa 6G

TVS Jupiter 125

10,000 KM




20,000 KM




30,000 KM




From the table above, we can observe that for higher usage scenarios, the cost per kilometre decreases significantly for electric scooters compared to petrol scooters. This is primarily due to the lower cost of electricity per kilometre than petrol. Therefore, an electric scooter may be more cost-effective in the long run if you have a high daily commute or expect to cover a significant distance.


In conclusion, electric scooters may have a higher initial purchase cost than petrol, but they offer significant long-term cost savings. Electric scooters have lower running costs lower maintenance expenses, and can provide substantial savings in fuel or electricity consumption. Additionally, electric scooters are more environmentally friendly, contributing to a cleaner and greener future.

Therefore, when evaluating the cost of owning and operating a scooter, it is crucial to consider purchase cost, running cost, maintenance expenses, and your usage patterns and preferences. Choosing between an electric and petrol scooter depends on your specific requirements and priorities.