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Gogoro Debuts Cross Over GX250 Scooter, Launches Battery Swapping in Delhi.

Gogoro, a big player in smart battery-swapping technology, has introduced its eco-friendly solutions in India. They started in Delhi and Goa and plan to expand to Mumbai and Pune by the middle of 2024. This announcement was made on December 12, 2023. They’ve launched the CrossOver series, which includes the India-made CrossOver GX250 scooter. This scooter is designed for Indian roads and can go up to 60+kph with a range of 111km. It also offers flexible cargo options. Gogoro’s well-known battery-swapping platform, recognized by India’s International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), is a key part of this move. Gogoro is teaming up with Zypp Electric for sustainable deliveries and working with FutureEV to explore shared mobility. This aligns with India’s increasing demand for electric transport, showing a positive shift towards sustainable mobility in cities.

Gogoro’s Cross Over Series

Gogoro has introduced the CrossOver series of scooters in India, showcasing its commitment to sustainable mobility. The series comes in three models: CrossOver GX250, CrossOver 50, and CrossOver S.

GoGOro Cross Over series Launched with GX250 scooter in India

CrossOver GX250

  • Manufacture: Made in Maharashtra, India.
  • Features: Specifically designed for Indian riders, the GX250 boasts an all-terrain chassis providing 176mm of ground clearance, making it suitable for various road conditions.
  • Performance: Equipped with a 2.5 kW Direct Drive, it achieves a top speed of 60+kph and has a certified range of 111km.
  • Cargo Capacity: The GX250 offers flexible cargo options, including passenger space and ample storage with a platform design for additional items.


Impact of Gogoro’s CrossOver Series Launch in India

Gogoro’s introduction of the CrossOver series in India, particularly with the immediate availability of the CrossOver GX250, is anticipated to bring about significant changes in the country’s urban transportation landscape. The launch is poised to influence various aspects, from addressing the demands of last-mile delivery to contributing to the shift towards sustainable consumer and B2B transportation.

Advantages for Indian Industries with Gogoro’s CrossOver Series Launch

Gogoro’s CrossOver series launch in India carries several benefits for local industries, particularly in urban transportation and sustainability.

Sustainable Mobility Solutions

The introduction of electric scooters, especially the CrossOver GX250, aligns with India’s growing emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly transportation. This move is poised to contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions in urban areas.

Last-Mile Delivery Efficiency:

The CrossOver series is designed to help with last-mile deliveries. These scooters are sturdy, can carry more stuff, and are comfy, making them useful for delivery services. This can make deliveries faster, cost less, and be better for the environment. For example, the sturdiness of the scooters means they can handle the challenges of frequent stops and starts during delivery routes.

Gogoro collaborates with Zypp Electric

Economic Opportunities:

Gogoro collaborates with local partners, like Zypp Electric and FutureEV, bringing economic opportunities. Using Gogoro’s tech for battery swapping and Smartscooters can help new delivery businesses grow. This teamwork can boost the economy. When more businesses adopt this technology, it creates job opportunities for people involved in running and maintaining the scooters, contributing to economic growth.

Technological Advancements:

Gogoro is bringing smart battery-swapping tech to India. This makes refuelling easier and smarter. This tech is not just good for India; it also puts Indian industries ahead in clever urban transportation solutions. The smart technology allows quick and efficient battery swapping, reducing downtime and improving the overall efficiency of the transportation system.

Recognition and Financing Support:

Gogoro’s getting certified by ICAT and recognized by SIDBI is a big deal. It means the CrossOver GX250 is legit and trusted. This trust can help businesses using Gogoro’s electric vehicles get financial support. It’s like a thumbs-up for more funding. Certification and recognition from authoritative bodies enhance the technology’s credibility and encourage financial institutions to support businesses adopting Gogoro’s electric vehicles.

Also Read: Top 10 states with the highest EV adoption rate (Ranked)

How will Gogoro Help resolve environmental issues?

Reducing Pollution

Gogoro’s smart technology helps in reducing pollution. By using electric Smartscooters and an innovative battery-swapping system, Gogoro contributes to making the air cleaner.

Decreasing Carbon Emissions

Gogoro’s battery swapping system has played a role in decreasing carbon emissions. Since its launch in 2015, it has saved more than 785,000 tons of CO2. This means fewer harmful gases are released into the air, making the environment healthier.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

Gogoro promotes sustainable practices by introducing electric Smartscooters. These scooters run on clean energy, reducing the reliance on traditional fuel sources that harm the environment.

Gogoro Sparks Green Revolution in Indian Cities with CrossOver GX250 Launch

Encouraging Green Transportation

Gogoro bringing its electric Smartscooters to India promotes using eco-friendly transportation. They offer a sustainable choice instead of regular vehicles, aiming to help improve how people travel in Indian cities.

Supporting Environmental Certifications

Gogoro’s commitment to environmental standards is evident through certifications. The Smart Battery received certification from India’s International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), showcasing compliance with stringent environmental requirements.

Impact on Urban Areas

Gogoro recognizes the impact of its technology on densely populated urban areas. By offering a smart, sustainable alternative, Gogoro aims to make a positive difference in the quality of air and overall environmental well-being in cities.

Contribution to a Greener Future

Gogoro’s emphasis on battery swapping and electric mobility aligns with creating a greener future. They contributes to a more environmentally friendly transportation ecosystem through partnerships and innovative solutions.

Features of Gogoro Battery Swapping

  1. Quick and Efficient: Gogoro’s battery-swapping technology is fast and efficient. Unlike regular charging which takes a long time, Gogoro lets users change their empty batteries at special stations in a few seconds. This speedy switch means less waiting so that riders can stay on the road more.
  2. Easy to Find Stations: Gogoro has many battery-swapping stations, making it easy for users. With over 12,000 stations at more than 2,500 places, users can quickly get to a station for a fully charged battery. This wide coverage ensures that finding a swap station is simple, making charging a stress-free experience.

Gogoro Battery Swapping

  1. Smart and Simple Process: Swapping batteries with Gogoro is designed to be smart and easy. The technology works with the scooter, letting riders start the swapping process effortlessly. The straightforward system makes it easy for many riders to use without any complications.
  2. Always Getting Better: Gogoro’s battery-swapping system keeps improving. It adjusts to how users ride, making sure the batteries stay flexible and useful. This constant improvement means a reliable and steady performance, meeting riders’ changing needs and improving the experience.
  3. Helping the Environment: Gogoro encourages swapping batteries instead of regular charging, which is good for the environment—swapping cuts down on long charging times, uses less energy, and reduces the need for outlets. This eco-friendly approach supports the bigger goal of having good transportation for the Earth.
  4. Stations are Accessible: Gogoro puts its battery-swapping stations in smart places for user convenience. They’re in cities and important spots so that users can fit battery swaps into their daily plans. This careful placement in busy areas ensures that riders can include battery swaps in their everyday routines, making electric scooters a practical and easy choice for daily travel.


Gogoro’s entry into India marks a significant step toward sustainable urban mobility. The introduction of the CrossOver series, especially the India-made CrossOver GX250, showcases the company’s commitment to addressing the evolving needs of Indian riders. With a focus on eco-friendly solutions and strategic collaborations with partners like Zypp Electric and FutureEV, Gogoro contributes to economic opportunities, technological advancements, and environmental conservation. The battery-swapping technology, recognised for its efficiency, accessibility, and positive impact on pollution reduction, positions Gogoro as a key player in promoting greener transportation options in India’s urban areas.