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How my Ola S1 Pro Performed at 5°C (Cold Delhi Weather)

Extreme cold or hot weather is the enemy of EV batteries and their range. This year, winters were cold compared to previous years; 2023-24 was the coldest, with temperatures ranging from 5-15 Degrees. Imagine the condition of my Ola electric scooter; it was bad.

I’ve been commuting from office to home with the Ola S1 Pro Gen 1 electric scooter for a year now and have done enough experiments with the scooter that I know every nerve of the scooter. Recently, I came across a blog post explaining the impact of cold weather on electric vehicles. That’s when I thought, why shouldn’t I try that out? So, here I’m in the chilling night of Delhi, a straight, empty road and all the favourable conditions to squeeze the battery out and perform a hyper-robust performance test.

Riding Ola S1 Pro at 5°C:

Before revelling the performance report, here are the conditions wherein the test was performed:

  • Road Condition:

It was a straight highway with no potholes and very few turning points. It’s rare to find such tracks on Indian roads, but somehow, I found the route.

  • Weather Condition:

The real-time temperature was near to chilling 3-5°C, considered extreme weather conditions in India.

  • Riding Style & Speed:

I drove the S1 Pro aggressively for a long run and my average speed was about 85-95kmph and sometimes crossed 100kmph. I just pressed the throttle and forgot to lift it up.

  • Rider’s ergonomics:

I was the single rider in the stretch, weighing 65 kg, and there was very little deadweight in the scooter, my laptop, lunchbox and some other nik-naks.

  • About the scooter:

The scooter I’m riding is the Ola S1 Pro Gen 1, which I bought a year ago, and it came with a single-fork suspension.

Let’s start the Ride:

I’ve driven the scooter on the same track earlier during post-winters on fully throttled hyper mode, and the range I was getting was about 110-120 km; my home is 40km from my office, and in normal weather conditions, I was getting a decent 140km range while driving in mixed modes.

  • I started with sports mode from the beginning of the session and drove the first 8 km I couldn’t put my scooter to hyper mode due to harsh traffic conditions.
  • But after driving a significant km, I found a new path with empty roads and no pot-holes; I opened all my horses and revved up the scooter to its full potential.
  • The scooter crossed the 110 km/h mark, and despite chilling winters, the scooter’s speed took zero toll.
  • Unlike any other ICE vehicle, the Ola S1 Pro didn’t chock, lacked performance, and didn’t struggle to accelerate.
  • Even in the chilling winters of Delhi, the Ola S1 Pro didn’t hesitate to catch its supersonic mode, although the range took a heavy toll.

In cold weather the range of Ola S1 Pro dropped to a significant level. Compared to normal weather conditions, the range of Electric scooters dropped by 20-30 km so, cold weather does impact a lot on electric vehicle’s range.

Understanding the EV Range in Winters:

Lithium-ion batteries love temperatures between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. However, when the temperature drops, the battery’s internal resistance increases, reducing efficiency. The higher resistance requires more energy to operate the vehicle properly, decreasing the overall range.

According to a recent study by the American company Recurrent, which analysed 18 popular electric vehicle models, the average loss of range in winter was nearly 30%. The specific loss of range can vary depending on various factors, such as the model, battery capacity, and weather conditions.

External Factors Affecting EV Range in Winters

Apart from the battery and heating systems, there are other factors to consider when assessing the loss of EV range in winter. These factors include:

  1. Cold Tire Pressure

Cold temperatures can cause a decrease in tire pressure, affecting the vehicle’s overall efficiency. It’s crucial to monitor and maintain the recommended tire pressure to minimise any additional loss of range.

  1. Battery Conditioning

Some EVs have battery conditioning systems designed to maintain the battery’s optimal temperature range. These systems actively heat or cool the battery to ensure peak performance. However, running battery conditioning systems in cold weather can consume additional energy and impact the overall range.

  1. Snow and Increased Rolling Resistance

For EVs in Himachal, Uttarakhand, Jammu, etc., road snow accumulation can significantly impact the EV’s range. The rolling resistance increases when driving on snowy surfaces, requiring more energy to propel the vehicle forward. This increased resistance leads to a reduction in overall range.

How to maintain EV range in Winters:

While the loss of EV range in winter is inevitable, there are several precautions and driving techniques that can help mitigate the effects. By following these tips, EV owners can maximise their winter driving experience:

  1. Pre-Heating the Vehicle

One effective method to minimise the impact of heating systems on the EV range is to pre-heat the vehicle while it is still connected to its charging station. Using the electrical grid to heat the interior, the energy comes from an external source rather than relying solely on the vehicle’s battery. This approach helps maintain the battery’s operating temperature and preserves its range.

  1. Driving Smoothly and Efficiently

Driving habits play a significant role in conserving EV range, especially in winter conditions. EV owners can reduce energy consumption and maximise their range by adopting smooth and efficient driving techniques, such as gradual acceleration and deceleration. Additionally, avoiding rapid acceleration and excessive speeds can help optimise efficiency.

  1. Utilizing Regenerative Braking

Utilising regenerative braking effectively can help offset the loss of range caused by increased energy consumption during winter driving.

  1. Planning Routes and Charging Stops

During winter, strategically planning routes and charging stops is crucial. EV owners should consider the availability of charging stations along their intended routes and plan for additional charging stops if necessary. By ensuring access to charging infrastructure, drivers can alleviate range anxiety and navigate confidently in cold weather conditions.


As winter sets in, electric vehicle owners should be aware of the potential decrease in range due to cold temperatures and increased use of heating systems. By understanding the impact of these factors and implementing practical measures like pre-heating the vehicle, driving efficiently, and utilizing regenerative braking, EV owners can minimize the effects of range loss and enjoy a smooth winter driving experience. It is essential to stay informed about the specific characteristics of individual EV models and adapt driving habits accordingly to optimize range performance in winter conditions.